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Scotland Pledges To Ban Airguns

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A license on airgun's could be a good thing... :thumbs-up:

For who? You need a licence to drive a car, but it doesn't stop idiots driving pissed up & killing people.. :no:

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Guest air gunner

this is the third post on the subject.


To be honest the best points mad are the ones that say that the only people who will suffer from a ban or a licence are the true users of air rifles. As already said cars have a licence but people still drive them without licences etc. and the people who suffer are the people who are responsible drivers. again shotguns have a licence on them but still some people have them in cities and will use them in a quite frankly idiotic manor. (they are not made to play gangsters with!!!) The only way to try and prevent this is to show the goverment the truth behind their plan.

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Yes theres more legislation coming from all angles, shooting, snaring, trapping ... They will ban ferreting and hawking next..... Do gooders, as bart simpson says.... Eat my shorts :feck:

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Guest air gunner

Personnaly i cant see what kind of society "these do gooders are going for"??????!?!?!?

What do they want us to do live indoors have pests eating the farmers crops destroying their welbieng and income. Eradicate our human nature of hunting. Oh yea and ruin everybodies fun! bollocks i say. What do we do?

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Guest Scuba1
Personnaly i cant see what kind of society "these do gooders are going for"??????!?!?!?

What do they want us to do live indoors have pests eating the farmers crops destroying their welbieng and income. Eradicate our human nature of hunting. Oh yea and ruin everybodies fun! bollocks i say. What do we do?



I think, that is exactly what is going to happen, because the people making the decisions are so far removed from reality, its not even funny. All they see ( because they are city folks ) is the few idiots taking pop shots at buses or whatever they do and with one great sweep they ban air guns and think that the problem is thus sorted next thing is the arse pca winging about snares or whatever and they just ban them as well. Its the easy thing to do when one never gets ones arse out in the country and does all the decisions from the comfort of a desk with a pile of expenses claim forms on it. Don't get me wrong, I did sign the petition but I have serious doubts that it is going to change anything.

at the end of the day, we are just going to get axed and that's it. I think there are going to be a few companies making a good bit of money with pest control using more " industrial " means to get rid of rabbits and co and the farmers will have to foot the bill, making British produce more expensive and so the imports from overseas are going to pick up as a side effect.





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Can't say that I'm surprised at the announcement.


I'm an advocate of Licensing for Air Guns, mainly for the reasons mentioned above. It means that not every Tom, Dick or Harry can walk into a shop and buy one. It will have less effect with Air Guns as there are Millions of them out there already and to license them would be near impossible.


As said above, Shotguns are licensed and owned by those living in Cities but find me more than 10 news items from the last 5 years that relate to legal shotguns being used in crime. There are 1.5 million shotguns covered by Shotgun Certificates in the UK, the percentage is tiny.


There is an advantage to licensing Air Guns in that, if administered properly you could have an "Air Gun Certificate" allowing you to own and use Air Guns of whatever power. Not restricted to 12 ft/lbs unless you have an FAC. I think that would be a good thing.


Mal raises a good point about Driving Licenses and drunk drivers, speeders etc but its the same with anything else, if you have no regulation, then the numbers of offenses inevitably increases.


Just my opinion of course.

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Guest air gunner

And if it is easy to get.


The reason i dont get an FAC is because they are a lot of work to get hold of.

Just to do a bit of plinking and some hunting i dont want to go through all of the crap.

Anyway even if there is a licence guns will still be passed around to criminal hands in my opinion it will probably make a mess of statistics for the uk "firearms offences will rocket because if all the people who own them now and then a law is passed then each person who owns one will be commiting a firearms offence.

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I agree, it has to be accessible and the law surrounding it has to have some plan to try to move some of the "illegal" Air Guns out of circulation.


When they introduced the mandatory Shotgun Certificate, they gave a period of time for people to register their guns, they spread the word through the shooting magazines, at fairs, in gun shops etc


Once that time period had elapsed, those didn't have a certificate and were found in possession of Shotguns were liable to the 5 year imprisonment term. Not saying that it would work 100% but its certainly an incentive.

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